TSCA Electrical Group of Company Incorporated

W E   M A K E   I T   W O R K !

Dedicated To Customer Satisfaction

Committed to Superior Quality and Best Results.

Mindanao's top choice for Electro-Mechanical and Engineering Services

Up-to-date, sustainable and trusted suppliers of electrical needs.


Mon-Fri 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Sat 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Dedicated To Customer Satisfaction

Committed to Superior Quality and Best Results.

Mindanao's top choice for Electro-Mechanical and Engineering Services

Up-to-date, sustainable and trusted suppliers of electrical needs.


Mon-Fri 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM Sat 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Dedicated To Customer Satisfaction

Committed to Superior Quality and Best Results.

Electro-Mechanical and Engineering Services

Up-to-date, sustainable and trusted suppliers of electrical needs.


Mon-Fri 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Sat 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Mon-Fri 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Sat 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Electrical supplies

Electrical Engineering Pioneers & Significance


Electrical Engineering Innovators & Industrial Impact

Electrical Engineering is essential when a new building is constructed and wired. From office buildings to schools, to industrial facilities, the outlets, wiring, circuit breaker panels, light fixtures, and more are all part of the electrical engineers’ responsibility. Without these, a modern building would not function as we currently imagine modern buildings should function. Especially with today’s electrical demands, as dozens of electrical devices and components help run many businesses’ operations. 

In 2021, an electrical engineer is an essential person to any construction team or whenever a new building comes up. At TSCA, we employ only the top-skilled electrical engineers in the business to ensure that every job is completed with utmost professionalism and care. And yet this profession has a fascinating history that involves many great minds and inventions. 

Let’s look at some of these great minds and the role the job plays today. 

Thomas Edison 

Well-known and associated with the first light bulbs, Thomas Edison was a nominal figure in the field of electrical engineering because he delivered to the world the first commercially viable incandescent lamp. By the time of his death, he had 1,000 patented inventions under his belt. Not only would our homes be dark but there would be no street lights. After winning some prize money for another invention of his, Edison set out to find the answer to his electric lamp. 

Nikola Tesla 

Tesla is one of the most enigmatic figures in the field of electrical engineering and innovation. His tense rivalry with Edison has become somewhat legendary by this point, and there is no denying that Tesla’s contribution to motors is undeniable. Tesla contributed induction motors and the concept of alternating current to make motors more robust and durable. More than 90% of industrial motors today are induction motors. Tesla’s innovation allowed for a rotating magnetic field that made AC power transmission a necessity. The alternating current was a far superior technology in producing energy.  

George Westinghouse  

Another innovator in the early days of electricity. Like Tesla, he also happened to be at odds with Thomas Edison. He is also well-known for inventing an air brake system which became a standard in railroads and helped make the trains much safer. 

The Current Wars — A Battle for the Best Technology 

The fast-paced cut-throat world of inventors has never been one for the faint of heart. It is full of rivalries and competition. What is commonly known as the “current wars” when proponents of alternating current battled it out with Edison’s direct current technology. Tesla and Westinghouse’s support for alternating current won out in the end, as it was the technology that allows electricity to travel long distances. 

A recent film with well-known actor Benedict Cumberbatch playing Tesla outlines this battle in true dramatic fashion. 

The 21st Century Electrical Engineer

Things have changed considerably since the days of the infamous ‘current wars’ between Edison and Tesla, but not because the concept of electricity has become any less important but because technology has made incredible strides and so much of our daily lives depend on it. 

Electrical engineers of the 21st century are well-trained in designing, developing, testing, and supervising the manufacture of electrical equipment. 

When it comes to industrial infrastructure, electrical engineers are there to safeguard entire systems. Some of the important functions include

#1 Installation

If your facility has been running into failures or is perhaps too old, an upgrade might be in store. An electrical engineer is trained in rewiring and reworking systems to ensure they have the capacity and capability to meet your demands. 

#2 Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Preventative care for your facility’s electrical infrastructure is the best way to keep operations running and avoid major issues or disconnections. If you’re experiencing problems, electrical engineers come out to check the system and find the root of the problem. 

#3 New Construction 

With every new year come new regulations or new demands for electrical systems. For industrial infrastructure and commercial buildings, there is always something new to implement or consider, so having a professional electrical engineer help with new construction projects is essential. 

Find Electrical Engineering that Keeps Things Running 

Here at TSCA, we specialize in working on complex systems and industrial infrastructure. Our electrical engineers are trained to troubleshoot, maintain, and install new electrical systems meant to keep essential operations running. 

You can’t afford a shutdown. You can’t risk an outage.  That’s why we’re here. Get electrical engineering for industrial infrastructure and more. 

Call TSCA today and find out more about what we have to offer.  

Source: https://remsausainc.com/the-fathers-of-electrical-engineering/